ESG Information



Corporate Strategy


1 Strategy Definition Corporate Strategy 2023-2026
Management and Sustainability Report - 3.1 Business Strategy
Good Governance Code - Chapter II, subsections D and F
2 Strategic objectives (identification) Corporate Strategy 2023-2026
Management and Sustainability Report - 3.1 Business Strategy
Good Governance Code - Chapter II, subsections D and F
3 Objectives in line with the SDGs (Agenda 2030) Our strategic model is aligned with the SDGs, as well as our institutional management. More information is available in our Management and Sustainability Report: Letter to our Shareholders; 1.8 Responsible action; 1.9 Materiality; 9- Content Index: GRI, SDGS and external circular 012 from SFC

Sustainable Bonds Report 2023:  Our issue of Sustainable Bonds annually has a report explaining the impact of the issue on the SDGs. 

4 Strategic pillars (definition) Corporate Strategy 2023-2026
Management and Sustainability Report - 3.1 Business Strategy
Good Governance Code - Chapter II, subsections D and F
5 Sustainability Strategy Management and Sustainability Report - 4.1 Commitment to sustainability; 3.1 Business Strategy; 4.4 Responsible Action
Sustainability Strategy
6 Definition of Materiality (process) Management and Sustainability Report -4.2 Materiality
7 Definition of Materiality (responsible)

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.2 Materiality


Supplementary Materiality Document 

8 Materiality Matrix

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.2 Materiality


Findeter has a materiality matrix, which can be consulted in the following document: See Matrix

9 Alignment of the governing bodies with the corporate strategy

BoD Alignment with Corporate Strategy


Corporate Strategy 2023-2026

Management and Sustainability Report -3.1 Business Strategy 
Good Governance Code - II-D Strategic Direction and II-F Corporate Strategic Plan; Annex 2 Rules of the Board of Directors, Subsection M-Functions.
10 Regulatory Strategy

Within our Integrated Management System, we have an internal Legal Management Procedure, through which we  issue opinions and queries on the interpretation of the legal system and the applicability of standards in specific cases, as well as the appropriate monitoring of new regulations, in order to provide a comprehensive protection of the company's interests.

To properly conduct this activity, we have an up-to-date legal framework chart with Findeter's current regulations and its internal doctrine, which can be consulted at: Legal Framework


Management and Sustainability Report - 7.8 Legal Management

11 Digital strategy Management and Sustainability Report - 7.2 Technology Management
12 Crisis management strategy (plan or policy)

Management and Sustainability Report - 3.4 Risk Management


Supplementary Risk Management Document

13 Strategic risk management (definition)
14 Strategic risk management (identification)
15 Strategic risk management (reputational risks)
16 Brand management (Policy or Strategy)

The positioning of FINDETER’s brand is based on our values, a reality that defines us and has allowed us to be who we are. FINDETER is an entity that is defined by being responsible and trustworthy because through responsible actions we generate a positive impact on the communities and ecosystems of the country, building relationships of trust through our culture of integrity and seeking to characterize ourselves by our responsible finances. We are an efficient organization that constantly seeks to improve its corporate efficiency and knows how to manage all the resources at its disposal to comply with each phase of the project with transparency and commitment.

Furthermore, we proudly say that we are an innovative entity because through our experience and knowledge we seek continuous improvement of our products and services. We are a committed organization because the rigor in our processes is a consequence of being a company that works as a team for the sustainable development of the country and its territories.

FINDETER´s symbol creates a visual representation of the sketch of Colombia, with a structure that communicates its own space for the creation of sustainable projects that enables the approach, leverage and continuity of ideas that generate progress, sustainability and the necessary strength for a collective solution to country.

We have a Brand Manual that contains the Philosophy and uses of the Findeter Brand. You can consult it here: SEE


Management and Sustainability Report - 3.1.1 Brand strategy



Supply Chain Management (definition)

Management and Sustainability Report - 1.2 Portfolio of services and products


Innovation Management 

Management and Sustainability Report - 7.3 Innovation and Knowledge



Environmental Management


1 Environmental management (definition of strategy) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management 
Good Governance Code - Environmental Management Policy, Chapter III, Subsection C, number 11.2

Responsible Action Policy

2 Environmental management (strategy aligned with SDG) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management
3 Environmental management (value chain) Management and Sustainability Report - 1.3 Value chain
4 Environmental risk management (identification)

Management and Sustainability Report - 3.4 Risk Management


Supplementary Risk Management Document


Supplementary Environmental Management Document

5 Environmental Incident Report
6 Environmental fines
7 Environmental offsets Management and Sustainability Report4.11.1 Carbon Footprint
8 Environmental education

Management and Sustainability Report -  4.11  Environmental Management

Within the framework of the 5 environmental programs that Findeter has, the environmental campaign "Be Aware" is developed under the slogan "With your feet on the ground". This in order to disseminate the various awareness and education activities supported by the different internal communication channels that the Entity has and the different face-to-face campaigns that arise according to the needs that arise.

9 Carbon Disclousure Project - CDP N/A
10 Emissions management (mitigation plan)

Findeter, within the framework of its Sustainable Practices Program, annually measures its corporate carbon footprint and offsets 100% of the quantified greenhouse gas emissions.

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management

11 Emissions management (amount of emissions)

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management


Insititutional Video - 2022 Emissions

12 Carbon footprint Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management; 4.11.1 Carbon Footprint

As an Issuer of Group A before the National Registry of Securities and Issuers - RNVE and in response to the Competitive Business Program and Circular 031 of 2021 SFC led by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, information on our management and performance in climate change is included in approximation and in accordance with the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure). Disclosure is based on four fundamental pillars: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics and Objectives.


Management and Sustainability Report - 4.15 TCFD


Management of risks and opportunities in the face of climatic phenomena (identification and evaluation)

Management and Sustainability Report - 3.4  Risk Management
Supplementary Environmental Management Document

Management of physical and transition risks in the face of climatic phenomena (mitigation)

Emergency and Contingency Plan 


Supplementary Environmental Management Document


Management of opportunities in the face of climatic phenomena (identification and evaluation)

Emergency and Contingency Plan 


Supplementary Environmental Management Document


Management of opportunities in the face of climatic phenomena (implementation)

Emergency and Contingency Plan 


Supplementary Environmental Management Document 


The Green and Sustainable Reactive line was created as an opportunity to help face climate change.  Its eligibility criteria is given under green taxonomy issued by FINDETER. The resources are available through a line of credit that benefits private and public companies, municipalities, governments and national and regional decentralized entities, which may invest in initiatives in the energy, transportation, urban development, construction, housing, education and technologies sectors. With this line FINDETER hopes to contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change through the opportunity of financing projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or that make it possible to reduce the risk vulnerability of natural systems, achieving the country's environmental objectives and commitments.


Energy efficiency credit line: In order to leverage the purposes of the national Government framed in the National Development Plan “Colombia World Power for Life 2022-2026”, support the commitments that the country acquired internationally in the National Determined Contribution (NDC), which is mainly aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to solving problems in social, economic and environmental aspects in the energy sector, Findeter makes available a rediscount line with a compensated rate to support the need for resources for working capital of companies in the Energy sector and investment in: 1. Energy efficiency and transition projects 2. Renewable energy projects 3. Electromobility projects 4. Virtual connectivity projects 5. generation, commercialization, distribution, transmission and storage of energy.


Incentives policy related to environmental management, including climate

Supplementary Environmental Management Document
19 Circular  economy (definition)

We have a Sustainable Purchasing policy, in order to establish guidelines for the management of purchases of sustainable goods and / or services, in order to achieve a rational and efficient use of them. -Management and Sustainability Report -. Thus, we have Environmental Education Policies and different environmental programs such as: Sustainable Practices; Efficient Use of Energy; Efficient Use of Water; Efficient Use of Paper; Comprehensive Waste Management, which aim to generate environmental awareness and promote the efficient use of natural resources to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint generated by the Entity. However, due to the nature of Findeter's financial business, we apply these measures within the entity, always promoting sustainability in our products and projects.


Supplementary Environmental Management Document

20 Circular economy (next goals)
21 Energy management (Energy Efficiency program) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management
22 Integrated waste management (waste treatment) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management
23 Water resource management (strategy) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management
24 Water Resource Management (future goals)

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management


At Findeter we have 5 environmental programs, among which we have the Efficient Water Use Program. Within the framework of this program, we define the Per Capita Water Consumption indicator, which measures our performance in the management of water resources in units of m3 for each collaborator. This indicator had a goal of 1.35 m3/person monthly for the year 2023, which was have satisfactorily met and adjusted according to the continuous improvement in the environmental performance of the entity. For 2024, the goal has been defined at 1.15 m3/person.


For the management of water resources, we execute actions or activities with which we leverage the fulfillment of the new goals that we project and that we define year after year. These actions are those contained in our Efficient Water Use Program, in which we highlight: installation of saving devices in faucets and toilets, preventive and corrective maintenance of networks, cyclical garden irrigation system, environmental awareness and promotion of water culture, water savings when brushing, washing hands, among others. We clarify that the goal may be adjusted once significant changes occur in the entity, which implies drastic variations in consumption.

25 Water risk management (value chain) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management
Management and Sustainability Report - Non-Financial Risk System-Environmental Management; Non-Financial Risks- Environmental and Social Risk Management System
Supplementary Risk Management Document
26 Water footprint We have a report that develops the quantification of the water footprint for FINDETER under the methodology of the Water Footprint Network. Water Footprint Report
27 Significant impacts on biodiversity (identification)

At FINDETER we have a matrix for identifying aspects and assessing environmental impacts, a tool through which we analyze the development of our activities and their impact on natural conditions throughout the life cycle of the service, giving priority according to the importance and/or significance of the impacts. Specifically in contributions to biodiversity, FINDETER has a significant and positive impact, due to the investment and allocation of resources to execute conservation, preservation and recovery projects within the framework of our Sustainable Practices environmental program. As clear evidence, we highlight the restoration projects of the Amazon rainforest in which we gathered approximately 3,769 trees and a project executed in the northern area of ​​Bogotá D.C. where we planted around 1,188 trees, executed in the last 5 years and through which we positively impacted biodiversity achieving:

  • Connectivity in fragmented forest areas, thus strengthening biological corridors as transit sites for birdlife and other wild species such as the Mojojoy.
  • Forest enrichment with mixed-use species (Mirití, Patabá, Ivacaba, Wasay, Cumare, Pupuña, among others).
  • Restoration and strengthening of interactions between species of fauna and flora.
  • Climate regulation: mitigating the probability of occurrence of extreme events, which would put the balance of ecosystems at risk, and therefore, loss of biodiversity.


Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management


Management and Sustainability Report -  Environmental and Social Risk Management System (SARAS): The SARAS system aims to identify, evaluate, and control environmental and social impacts, including bioversity, gender and climate change aspects, generated by the projects and/or investments financed by Findeter. 

See SARAS description

28 Biodiversity conservation activities

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management; Non-Financial Risks- Environmental and Social Risk Management System - SARAS


Supplementary Environmental Management Document

Save The Amazon Program: We have three FINDETER forests in the Amazon Rainforest, including one where each employees has a tree associated with his/her name 
Mejor en Bici Program
29 Forest certifications and other types of environmental certifications Save The Amazon Program: We have three FINDETER forests in the Amazon Rainforest, including one where each employees has a tree associated with his/her name.
Visit the Findeter Forests
Management and Sustainability Report - 4.11 Environmental Management; Awards, recognitions and certifications
30 Responsible investment (policy, actors, actions)

As issuers of securities, in Findeter we have the objective  of integrating environmental, social and economic criteria in decision-making and in the offer of financial products and services for territorial development. We have a Responsible Finance work cell in order to manage the organization's best sustainability practices through cross-section work in the organization. See the Suplementary Responsible Finances Document

Sustainability Strategy
Management and Sustainability Report - Work Cells - Responsible Finance; 6.10 Sustainable Bonds
Sustainable Bonds: We issued the first Sustainable Bonds in Colombia.

Annual report on Sustainable Bonds


  Social Management Evidence
1 Stakeholder Management (identification)

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.3 Stakeholders; 


Interest groups 2023-2026

Good Governance CodeChapter II, subsections G- Stakeholders

2 Stakeholder engagement management (Incidents, communities and others) Suplementary Document: Stakeholder Engagement Management
Management and Sustainability Report - 4.3 Stakeholders
3 Stakeholder engagement management (corrective or preventive actions) Suplementary Document: Stakeholder Engagement Management
Management and Sustainability Report - 4.3 Stakeholders
4 Management performance (indicators) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.4 Responsible Action 
Suplementary Document: Stakeholder Engagement Management
5 Human Rights Management (violation events) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.5 Human rights
6 Human Rights Management (Freedom of association and collective bargaining)

Management and Sustainability Report - 7.17  Right of Association


Collective Labor Agreement in force, Integrated Management System.

7 Human Rights Management (Training and Communication in Human Rights) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.5 Human rights
8 Human Rights Management (Practices to prevent or mitigate child or forced labor) Stakeholder Engagement Management
9 Community relations management (definition) Management and Sustainability Report - 4.4 Responsible Action 
Suplementary Document: Stakeholder Engagement Management
10 Management of relations with communities (Cultural preservation) Stakeholder Engagement Management
11 Local development programs Management and Sustainability Report - 4.4 Responsible Action 
Insignia Program. Flagship program that maximizes the impact on the prioritized stakeholders, Community and Customer Territorial Entities categories 4, 5 and 6.
12 Supplier selection policies (sustainable requirements) Our procurement processes correspond to a Private Law Regime in accordance with the development and fulfillment of the approaches that  govern the administrative duty and  Fiscal Management set forth in articles 209 and 267 of the Political Constitution, as well the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Corporate Governance, mainly in the principles of economics, efficiency, effectiveness, equality, impartiality, morality, advertising, equity and assessment of environmental costs. SEE
Management and Sustainability Report - 7.7 Procurement Management
Good Governance Code - C-Management Policies -6 Procurement Policy
Ethics code: 6.3 Conflict of interest
13 Supplier selection policies (sustainable requirements) Our procurement processes correspond to a Private Law Regime in accordance with the development and fulfillment of the approaches that  govern the administrative duty and  Fiscal Management set forth in articles 209 and 267 of the Political Constitution, as well the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Corporate Governance, mainly in the principles of economics, efficiency, effectiveness, equality, impartiality, morality, advertising, equity and assessment of environmental costs. See the policy
14 Suppliers Code of Conduct  Our management systems inlude a Supervision and Auditing Manual,  which provides  guides and tools  on FINDETER suppliers and contractors, the manual can be consulted here: See the Manual 
Así mismo contamos en nuestra Procurement Policy - Numeral 8.8 -Conocimiento y Debida diligencia SARLAFT. Política Debida Diligencia SARLAFT
Good Governance Code: Procurement Policy
Ethics Code: Conflict of Interests
15 Supplier Risk Management Procurement Policy

Numeral 8.8 -Knowledge and Due diligence SARLAFT. FINDETER within its policy of knowledge and due diligence of suppliers, within the framework of the prevention of the risks of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, prior to hiring an employee and during the contractual relationship, FINDETER performs the verification on binding and informative lists such as: United Nations Security Council, OFAC, European Union, DEA, United Kingdom, Single List of France, Panama Papers, Interpol, in addition to national lists such as , Attorney's Office, Comptroller's Office, judicial branch, national convictions, fiscal responsibility, sanctions against contractors (SECOP), DIAN, national police, among others.  

Also, a Risk Matrix is made for each contract, which establishes the performance bonds. 

Likewise, with the tools established in the Supervision and Auditing Manual, contractual risk management is carried out for each of our suppliers and contractors.


Management and Sustainability Report 6.3.2 Non-Financial Risk System

16 Supplier Development

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.3 Commitment to Findeter's Stakeholders. Suppliers are identified as one of Findeter's Stakeholders. Therefore, as an organization, we are committed to maintaining relationships of trust with efficiency and opportunity through transparent and timely dialogue.


Detailed information in Stakeholder Engagement Management

Good Governance Code: Chapter I- Presentation of Findeter; Chapter II G- Stakeholders
17 Customer perception and satisfaction (survey) Management and Sustainability Report - 7.5 Customers and Marketing
18 Loyalty Program Management and Sustainability Report - 7.5 Customers and Marketing
19 Penalties for putting the customer at risk

Findeter has a Financial Consumer Service Manual-SAC.


In 2023, there were no situations subject to sanctions, in accordance with the provisions of the SAC Manual.

20 Sustainable marketing strategies Findeter as a brand has a series of measures aimed at contributing to Sustainable Development: Consult our practices here 


  Human Capital Evidences
1 Management strategy (definition) Management and Sustainability Report - Strategic Map 2023-2026, Findeter's Strategic Plan has a specific strategic objective for Human Resources.; 7.1 Our People
Good Governance Code: Human Resources Policy
Family Responsible Company (Efr) management model
2 Human Talent Committee or whoever acts on behalf of the Board of Directors Good Governance Code- III  Corporate Governance Policies, duties of the  Corporate Governance Committee, paragraph K. The Corporate Governance Committee has functions in the area of Human Resources.
3 Policy of attraction (definition) We are an entity certified as a Family Responsible Company, where we have measures aimed at offering a work environment with Equality, Equity and inclusion. This is a management model that allows us, in addition to offering a suitable work environment with favorable conditions and benefits for the balance between personal, family and work life of employees, it becomes the opportunity to attract staff, not only with high professional skills, but people willing to live institutional values and enhance their personal values. We have 6 large dimensions that support the aforementioned: Quality in employment, Temporal and spatial flexibility, Support to families, Professional development and competence, Equal Opportunities, Leadership and Management style.
Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People; Human Resources Policy
4 Recruitment Policy (Definition) In our Integrated Management System we have a Manual of Duties, Competencies and General Requirements, which establishes the process through which the selection and hiring of suitable applicants is carried out, based on the specific requirements determined for each vacant or newly created position
Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People-  Recruitment and Selection Policy
Good Governance Code: Human Resources Policy
5 Retention policy (definition)

Findeter's human talent management policy aims to have the right people, to strive for their development, for their quality of life, and to provide adequate spaces and resources for the performance of different roles and responsibilities. Thus, from the processes of identifying the personnel needs that are required and inquiring about the interests of the collaborators, through well-being activities, aspects that are frequently measured, through the work environment survey, internal customer satisfaction and external measurements and other first-hand measurements that provide valuable information to keep employees identified and committed to Findeter's policies. With all of the above coupled with the vision of the company that focuses on the development of the country, sustainability and its contribution to the community, it allows us to retain key personnel to achieve institutional goals.


Family Responsible Company (Efr) management model: Equal Oportunities.


Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People


Employee turnover rate 

Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People-Turnover Rate

Diversity and inclusion and gender equality policy, program or actions

Good Governance Code: The Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Policy is defined (Section 11.5 Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Policy) and it indicates that "it is committed to promoting and developing a culture of gender equity and empowerment of women in its stakeholders in order to positively impact the social and environmental settings where we are present.

8 Gender diversity (measure) Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People
9 Gender diversity in leadership positions (measure) Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People
10 Gender Salary Gap (Policy)

Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People-Wage Compensation; Human Rights in the Organization.


In our Integrated Management System we have the Manual of Duties, Competencies and General Requirements, which defines the policies for Salary remuneration in accordance with the provisions of this manual, respecting gender equality, prioritizing the years work experience and requirements for the position.

Family Responsible Company (Efr) management model: Equal Oportunities
11 Welfare and Quality of Work Life Policies Management and Sustainability Report -7.1 Our People
Family Responsible Company (Efr) management model
12 Training Policies (definition)  We have an internal policy "Training Procedure" in our Integrated Management System.
Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1.4 Training
Good Governance Code: Human Resources Policy

Programs or actions for the empowerment and development of female leadership

Management and Sustainability Report - 4.9 Programs or actions for the empowerment and development of female leadership
14 Employee development (Number of internal promotions)

Recruitment Policy (Integrated Management System). Within the company, in order to cover vacancies, we first verify if there is availability of human resources internally, for which an Internal Call process is carried out to give opportunity tp all staff, both direct and temporary, to participate promoting integrity and equality.

The profile is published in the internal communications channel with all the basic requirements in terms of education, training, experience, skills and salary, which allows the different candidates to send the supporting documents to the Head of Human Resources to validate their compliance with the profile and begin the selection process.

See Internal promotions by gender in 2023. (pg 234)


Family Responsible Company (Efr) management model: Development and Professional Competence


Prevention and Attention Protocol against Sexual Harassment

Good Governance Code: The Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Policy is defined (Section 11.5 Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Policy) and it indicates that "it is committed to promoting and developing a culture of gender equity and empowerment of women in its stakeholders in order to positively impact the social and environmental settings where we are present. 

Management and Sustainability Report - Prevention and Attention Protocol against Sexual Harassment


Long-term incentives for employees

Family Responsible Company (Efr) management model: There are 61 measures that benefit and encourage employees to remain within the entity in the long term, such as preferential rates for credits for serving a minimum of years within the entity.

17 Culture strengthening activities Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1 Our People - 
7.1.3 Conciliation and professional development - Organizational culture - page 171

Employee loyalty and sense of belonging - engagement (Measurement)

Engagement is an effect that is defined as the positive affective bond with the job characterized by effort, dedication and absorption. We measured this phenomenon through the FPS battery of the consulting company Siete Human and Organizational Management in May 2022 and it is valid for 2 years.

19 Occupational Health and Safety Management System We have implemented within our Integrated Management System an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. 
Management and Sustainability Report - Management Report-7.1.2 Labor Relations; 7.1.6 Health and Safety at Work.
20 Occupational health and safety management (accident rate indicator) We have implemented within our Integrated Management System an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. 

Management and Sustainability Report - 7.1.6 Health and Safety at Work


Accident rate indicator pg 239 Table No. 88: Absenteeism Levels 2023 - Type or Factor of Absence

21 Occupational health and safety management (Absenteeism indicator)

We have an Indicator in the Integrated Management System, whose source of information is the reported disabilities, whether of general or labor origin,  periodically reported within the entity in the Management System.


Absenteeism rate indicator pg 239 Table No. 88: Absenteeism Levels 2023 - Type or Factor of Absence

22 Occupational health and safety management (disability indicator)

We have an Indicator in the Integrated Management System, whose source of information is the reported disabilities, whether of general or labor origin, periodically reported within the entity in the Management System.


Disability rate indicator pg 239 Table No. 88: Absenteeism Levels 2023 - Type or Factor of Absence